CRO6 Types of Expert Conversion Rate Optimization Tools You Should Be Using

6 Types of Expert Conversion Rate Optimization Tools You Should Be Using


6 Types of Expert Conversion Rate Optimization Tools You Should Be Using

Having high website traffic levels does not guarantee more sales. Instead, you need conversions to drive sales. Yes, you read that right. Conversion rate is the most critical factor for your eCommerce store. That’s why optimizing conversion rate is crucial for improving eCommerce sales. As simple as it seems, optimizing your eCommerce website for increased sales is challenging. Low eCommerce conversion rates can result in decreased revenue and the permanent closure of your store. The average conversion rate across different industries falls between 1-2%. However, it can be increased by using the best conversion rate optimization tools recommended by a top conversion rate optimization agency. Here are the top 6 tools to get you started.

List of 6 Tools A Top Conversion Rate Optimization Agency Suggests

1. Optimized Landing Page Tools

It is crucial to have an effective landing page to create a positive first impression for site visitors. In addition, it is essential to ensure seamless navigation and a smooth experience to encourage visitors to revisit or make a purchase.

Three things to keep in mind while creating or optimizing landing pages.

  • Easy Navigation

Simplicity is the key. You don’t want to confuse your visitors while they try to find basic things on your site/page. Therefore, make sure your landing page is clutter-free when building it. A frustrated user is unlikely to revisit or purchase from you. Hence, it is vital to keep the navigation as easy and simple as possible.

  • Target Audience

Your landing page must directly reflect your target audience’s interests. For example, if your audience likes colors, you may want to add a splash here and there. On the other hand, if your audience is B2B or minimalist, you might need a more professional design.

  • Mobile Optimization

More than 50% of smartphone user shops online. Therefore, it is important to optimize your landing page not only for the desktop but also for mobiles. It will help you expand your online reach, increasing the chances of conversions.

2. Powerful SEO Tools

Being visible on Google searches is one of the key components of digital marketing. Almost 75% of eCommerce website search queries are fresh, meaning several customer journeys begin every month. So you might lose potential customers if your eCommerce store does not rank for specific phrases or keywords.

Therefore, it is crucial to use SEO tools on your landing page to assist you in growing website traffic and raising your SEO ranking based on your industry and brand. The more visitors that find your website, the higher your ranking will be.

Ahrefs is an excellent online SEO tool that offers reliable information on your website’s DA rating, search volume, backlinks, rankings, social shares, and more to help you audit your site and make necessary improvements. This tool also offers in-depth keyword and phrase match reports, giving insights on keyword traffic, PPC, ranking, and dominant websites for particular keywords.

3. Product Page Upselling Tools

Have you ever gone into a store to buy one thing but left with five? That’s how upselling works – convincing customers to purchase more products than they had initially intended. Upselling guarantees increased conversions. There are hundreds of opportunities to upsell your customers online, including discounts for purchases that exceed a certain threshold and real-time notifications of their purchases, which makes upselling tools so special.

Here are a few helpful upselling strategies/ideas you may add to your product pages:

  • Add ZOOM & Click features: Add zoom and clickable link functionality to your product photos. You may use these features to direct the customers to reviews or other areas of your product landing page where you might upsell other products.
  • Make your page layout appealing: Your product page is crucial in driving sales. Consider it a whole sales funnel with the following hierarchy: product image > details > reviews > UGC > additional information.
  • Add Related Products feature: Adding the Related Products feature will help you upsell multiple products at once to your customers.
4. In-Depth Analytics Tools

It is no secret that analytics play a significant role in helping you learn how well your website is doing. It lets you check conversion rates and whether your current marketing strategies are worth continuing.

There are several ways to study analytics and use them to boost your business performance. Some analytics sources include social media, UTM link tracking, website conversions, and sales.

Google Analytics is an excellent tool you can use to get detailed analytics showing your online conversions and assisting you in shaping the success strategy for your business.

5. Lead Generating Popups

Popups are always for the win! These are among the oldest and the most effective CRO strategies that help businesses elevate their sales and revenue. You can add popups to your website, eCommerce store, or blog to attract and generate sales. In addition, you can use our team of professionals to help you improve your conversion rates.

6. Customer Feedback Tools

Businesses often become preoccupied with statistics, conversions, and sales while working on their websites and neglect to pay attention to what customers have to say. Customer feedback is the most valuable as it informs of what is working and what’s not.

Since your customers are using your platform and products, they can offer you first-hand knowledge to improve your service, products, workflow, and more. According to research, a sound customer feedback system can help you surpass a 10% increase in sales while reaping the rewards of better search engine rankings.

Use engaging surveys to gather consumer feedback or take feedback from customers using emails, SMS, or the web. After that, use the feedback/suggestions to improve user experience.


Discovering the right CRO tools is the initial step with the conversion rate optimization agency. Subsequent stages include implementation and testing. Select tools to propel your business, accelerating conversion rates. Shortlist potential tools or reach out to us for assistance.

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