eCommerce10 Strategies For Increasing Sales On Your Big Commerce Store

10 Strategies For Increasing Sales On Your Big Commerce Store


10 Strategies For Increasing Sales On Your Big Commerce Store

Are you struggling to drive sales on your Big Commerce store? Have you tried different strategies but still not seen the results you want? Don’t worry; you are not alone. Many online store owners face the same challenge. The good news is there are proven strategies that can help increase your Big Commerce sales and drive revenue growth.

In this blog post, we will share ten powerful strategies that have been tested and proven to work. From optimizing your product pages to leveraging social media and influencer marketing, you will learn practical tips and techniques to make a big difference in your Big Commerce store’s performance. Whether you are just starting out or want to take your store to a high level, these strategies will help you attract more customers, increase sales, and grow your online business.

So, let’s dive in and explore these proven tactics that can help you achieve success with your Big Commerce store.

5 Reasons Why You Are Getting Traffic But No Sales

  • On-page issues: Unclear call-to-action, difficult-to-use navigation, and poor website design can leave visitors confused and frustrated, leading to no sales.
  • Lack of trust factors: Visitors may not feel confident buying from a website that does not show reviews or social proof.
  • Complicated checkout process: A long and confusing process can discourage visitors from buying.
  • Poor mobile optimization: If your website is not optimized for mobile devices, visitors may find navigating and making purchases on their mobile challenging.
  • Generic product descriptions: If your product descriptions are not unique, informative, and engaging, visitors may not be encouraged to purchase from your store.

10 Strategies to Improve Sales on Your Big Commerce Store

Learn about 10 different strategies to drive sales to your Big Commerce store in detail below.

1. Create SEO-friendly blog content.

Do you know how to get sales on the Big Commerce store? The best way to increase sales to your Shopify store is to create SEO-friendly blog content. This technique is a must for some reasons, such as: 

  • Ranking high on Google
  • Creating a good reputation with quality advice for customers

This is why most Big Commerce stores write blogs on their sites.

If you want to boost your sales with blogs, taking these steps should help you to get good results:

  • Make a content map: You can decide on content topics based on your customer’s queries. For instance, if you are running a clothing store, you can write topics 5 trending dresses in 2023, etc.
  • Research keywords: Using a keyword is essential to get traffic to your Big Commerce online store. For this, you can use some tools like Ubersuggest to find keywords regarding your products.

Publish content: You should publish a blog once a week on your sites to inform Google that your website offers perfect suggestions.

2. Use social media marketing.

Marketing your store’s product using social media posts is one of the perfect ways to promote brand recognition. However, one of the best strategies is showing products to your consumers and giving them an idea of how to use them.

Here are some tips for using social media to increase sales:

  • Post engaging content regularly
  • Use relevant hashtags to reach a broader audience
  • Run social media ads to target your ideal customers
  • Collaborate with influencers to reach a wider audience

Social media marketing is also about connecting with consumers. You must reply to their comments, follow them, and like the photos they post about your business or products. An active engagement indicates your commitment to being available and helpful.

3. Converting email marketing campaigns. 

Having a method to capture customers’ email addresses is vital to making a successful email marketing campaign services. For example, if you can get a consumer’s email when they enter your Big Commerce online store, you have a way of marketing to them in the future, even if they do not buy from your store the first time they visit.

If you have collected a large list of consumers’ emails, you must ensure you utilize it effectively. Use email drip sequence to make the most of it. You will have three types of email such as:

  • Transactional emails: For instance, order and shipping confirmations
  • Lifecycle marketing emails: Welcome emails, re-engagement or post-purchase emails
  • Promotional emails: Unique offers and sales

You can also segment your consumers into different audiences, such as:

  • First-time users
  • Regular buyers
  • Abandoned carts
  • Large order buyers

Targeting specific emails to different customers means you can tailor the content and messaging to boost conversion.

4. Use powerful product descriptions, images, and videos.

Your products are one of the essential assets in your Big Commerce online store. Therefore you need to highlight them and make the consumers want to purchase them.

Ensure your product descriptions are detailed and have all the essential information your customer needs. For example:

  • Size
  • Weight 
  • Dimensions 
  • Material of the product 

As you know, your consumers cannot hold the products, so you must make a product page experience that gets them as close to reality as possible. Having perfect product images from all angles to display the smallest things is essential to boost sales quickly.

Also, pay attention to the video too. It is the best way to show products to consumers and increase sales quickly. 

5. Offer discounts and promotions.

Offering discounts and promotions can be a fantastic way to attract potential customers to your store. Here are some ways you can offer discounts and promotions:

  • Offer a discount code for first-time users
  • Run seasonal promotions to coincide with holidays or events
  • Offer free shipping for orders over a certain amount
  • Run a referral program to inspire existing consumers to refer their friends or family
6. Optimize your store for search engines.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimizing your store for search engines, you can attract more traffic to your store.

To optimize your store for SEO, you should:

  • Conduct keyword research to decide the keywords your target audience is searching for
  • Optimize your product descriptions, meta descriptions, and titles with relevant keywords
  • Ensure your website has a fast loading speed
  • Use internal linking to enhance website navigation
  • Incorporate user-generated content, such as reviews and testimonials, to improve social proof
7. Use promotional push images.

Many consumers are not ready to purchase products after visiting your Big Commerce online store. Instead, they review your products, hesitate, and leave. It is difficult to blame them for this; buying each one they come across is not an option. So, you need to market your products to get consumers’ attention. 

You must do something to interact with visitors when they leave: push notifications are the best method. These are the same as emails, but they get more views of your messages. For example, when someone visits your online store, it shows them a request to subscribe.

Push notifications could be an excellent way to increase sales to Big Commerce. The visitors who are interested in your products but are not ready to purchase may click “Allow” and receive notifications. You can inform them about sales, discounts, product arrivals, etc.

8. Implement abandoned cart recovery.

Many consumers abandon their shopping carts before completing the checkout process. Use an abandoned cart recovery tool to send follow-up emails to these customers, reminding them of the items they left behind and offering incentives to complete their buy.

9. Optimize your product pages.

Ensure your product pages are well-designed, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. Include high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and customer reviews to help potential customers make informed buying decisions.

10. Use social proof to build trust with customers.

If you want to establish trust with your customers and increase sales quickly, it is a good idea to incorporate social proof into your Big Commerce store. When it comes to online shopping, consumers tend to trust the opinions of their peers. Therefore, displaying positive feedback from your previous customers on your website can be a powerful tool to convince new visitors to make a purchase. 

If you have received great reviews or have been featured in popular publications like magazines, make sure to showcase them prominently on your site.

You can also add awards and logos from reputable publications to your store to further enhance customer trust and encourage them to convert into buyers. Any form of social proof can be beneficial for boosting sales on your Big Commerce store.


To increase sales on your Big Commerce store, it’s essential to know the reasons for low conversions. On-page issues, lack of trust factors, complicated checkout process, poor mobile optimization, and generic product descriptions are some reasons for not making sales. 

To improve sales, optimize your store for search engines, use email marketing campaigns, offer discounts and promotions, and create SEO-friendly blog content. With these strategies, you can create a better user experience, build trust with your consumers, and increase conversion rates on your Big Commerce store.

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