CRO6 Primary Elements of Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization

6 Primary Elements of Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization


6 Primary Elements of Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization

In modern times, web traffic is highly crucial for your online store. If you are not getting visitors, the chances of your business growth become low. Furthermore, inconsistent web traffic implies loopholes in your conversion rate optimization efforts. However, it may become frustrating to go on without knowing what happened and where it went wrong. Therefore, we decided to take the time for you to jot down a list of 6 primary elements of eCommerce conversion rate optimization that you might need your attention to offer better results.

But before that, here’s a quick and brief refresher on conversion rate optimization (CRO). CRO is the process of increasing the number of visitors who take desired actions on your website. Read more about CRO and the basic steps to eCRO in the first blog of our CRO series.

6 CRO Elements That Demand Your Utmost Attention

A successful CRO plan requires sprawling across multiple stages. It requires in-depth analysis, A/B tests, and tweaks to perform at par with the market competition. Throughout the eCommerce conversion rate optimization journey, you have to take care of the following six elements:

1. Landing Page Design

The industry is swarming with so many eCommerce businesses. Therefore, you need to stand out to succeed. The landing page design plays a vital role in the eCommerce conversion rate optimization process. It may be a total game changer in defining the usability and success of your website. A good website design attracts more traction, increasing your sales and revenue.

For example, consider Amazon’s product pages, where even the most minor details are prominently visible to the shoppers. The orange-colored ‘Add to Cart’ button complements the website’s white background, making it easy for the customers to take the necessary action. Furthermore, the intelligent use of all the elements on the web page (images, features, white space) grabs the shoppers’ attention, convincing them to purchase.

2. Website Copy

While a well-designed and aesthetically pleasing website will attract more visitors, what’s written on the page compels them to buy the product. An engaging & compelling copy is what you require to hook visitors and convert them into potential leads. So, let’s simplify the web copy for you.

It contains two major components – headline and body.


This is the first thing a visitor notices on your landing page. Hence, ensure that it impresses them to the extent that they can’t help but scroll down the rest of your page. Focus on font type, size, and color that are attention-grabbing and can be read easily. Another tip to keep in mind while writing headlines is asking a question to make it interactive. But ensure that it is not misleading and discusses your product/service concisely.

Body Content

The next important aspect after the heading is the body content on the landing page. Again, it must be short, crisp, and to the point and portray your brand’s persona most efficiently.

A brilliant way to write a compelling copy is to divide it into multiple short paragraphs or break down the content into easy-to-read chunks. You may also use bullet points and choose an easy-to-read font size and font type.

The tonality of your content must match your brand tone while also persuading the shoppers to hit the purchase button. You may use stylish elements such as metaphors or key phrases for easy takeaways.

A catchy headline followed by a compelling copy is essential for your website as it attracts and gets customers onboard.

3. Call-to-Action

From subscribing to a newsletter to buying a product, availing of service, and so on, a call-to-action (CTA) asks the customers to perform the desired action. The stronger the CTA, the more leads it can generate.

Skipping CTAs is a grave mistake that reduces your chances of sealing a conversion. Call-to-action buttons are a staple on the landing page that drives the customers in the right direction, contributing to your website’s conversion rates. Therefore, try using blunt or subtle CTAs on your landing page – whichever works best for you.

4. Navigation & Site Architecture

The next important aspect in line is your site architecture. Make sure your website is easy to navigate because otherwise, customers may end up abandoning it. A regular user begins navigating from the homepage, exploring the categories & subcategories until they’ve found what they were looking for. Therefore, keeping your entire navigation process simple will increase conversions and improve your brand’s reputation.

5. Forms

Forms are crucial customer touchpoints that must be optimized to improve conversion rates. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy to design forms. All you need to learn is to balance leads and lead quality. In some cases, a comprehensive form may work wonders compared to concise forms, and in other cases, it may be vice versa. Here are four essential optimization tips for designing outstanding forms;

  • The fewer the fields, the better
  • Good-looking forms with flashing text, consistent styling, tooltips, and validation built at the right places offer a better user experience, helping improve conversion rate.
  • Easy password creation process while guiding users to create strong and easy-to-remember passwords
  • The one-click form is submitted using Google or Facebook. However, it may not be applicable for B2B businesses where they work with the business email IDs of their prospects.
6. Page Speed

Page load speed has a massive impact on the overall conversion rate. If your web page takes longer, you might miss out on potential leads. For example, a page load speed of 1.7 seconds makes your web page faster than 75% of the web. On the other hand, a web page load speed of 0.8 seconds keeps you ahead of 94% of your competitors. Therefore, a few seconds’ delay might cost you a considerable loss. Hence, don’t forget to optimize the page speed.


Improving eCommerce conversion rate optimization strategies will result in improved sales. Focus on the elements mentioned above to enjoy impressive results. We’ve got everything covered for you, from mapping the importance of website optimization to strategizing ways to improve website performance. Get ready to stand out by optimizing the CRO elements to increase your sales and revenue.

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