Succes StoryHow Nivara Helped Luciee?

How Nivara Helped Luciee?


How Nivara Helped Luciee?

l u • c i e e, a unique women’s clothing brand known for its exquisite and timeless garments, faced a formidable challenge. Its website suffered from poor page load speed and suboptimal performance in Google’s core web vitals. These issues resulted in a noticeable decline in sales and revenue. Recognizing the situation’s urgency, l u • c i e e sought our assistance. In response, our team undertook the task of revamping l u • c i e e. Our expertise introduces innovative solutions, such as migrating stores to Shopify 2.0, boosting site speed, etc., to address the brand’s digital challenges and reinvigorate its online presence.

In addition, our collaboration with l u • c i e e bore fruit, yielding many impactful enhancements to breathe new life into this brand’s digital platform. These efforts resolved the existing issues and reaffirmed l u • c i e’s commitment to providing a better shopping experience for its clients.

What Problems Did The Client Face?

There are two major issues that the client faced:


l u • c i e e found it tough to prioritize Google’s core web vitals while using the outdated Shopify platform. This is why it needed to migrate to Shopify 2.0 to increase its website performance for better search visibility and user satisfaction.

Well, the two important metrics for measuring website performance are the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and First Input Delay (FID).

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures how long it takes for the largest element on a webpage to load. If this takes too long, it can negatively impact user experience and SEO performance.

First Input Delay (FID) measures a user’s first interaction with a webpage (such as clicking a button) and the web page’s response. If this delay is high, it can lead to user frustration and a bad user experience.

Additionally, to provide a better user experience and maintain its online presence, this unique women’s clothing brand needed to optimize these two important metrics.


l u • c i e e faced a major issue with its website’s slow loading speed. This way, their bounce rates were high, the average time spent on the page was reduced, and there was a higher likelihood of visitors leaving without exploring the content or making purchases.

Additionally, slow-loading pages negatively impacted conversions, leading to revenue loss.

Simply put, the slow website performance affected l u • c i e e’s bottom line and customer experience. As a result, the brand urgently needed to upgrade its website’s performance to provide a seamless shopping experience to its customers.

Conversely, a faster website would help retain visitors, increase conversions, and enhance user experience. l u • c i e e realized that improving page loading speed was crucial for meeting their business goals and satisfying customers.


1. Color

The relationship between colors and consumer behavior is crucial in attracting potential consumers to your products. Generally, utilizing color utility classes and styling links can greatly enhance this effect.

2. Typography and Spacing

The design elements, such as headings, body text, spacing, width, line heights, and font size, work together to create a seamless reading experience for website visitors.

3. Layout

The layout is how you organize and arrange the interface elements, like images, text, buttons, menus, forms, etc. A perfectly designed layout enhances users’ experience and makes navigation easier.


To create a better user experience, it is crucial to have a robust design process that fosters creativity. Fidelity concepts can help achieve this goal.

1. Low Fidelity

We guided l u • c i e e by generating ideas and using various designs to build the foundation for subsequent phases.

2. Medium Fidelity

Medium-fidelity wireframes are more detailed than low-fidelity ones. We wireframe our collected ideas and create a semi-functional design. Moreover, we remove the concepts not working in the low-fidelity form.

3. High Fidelity

We create the project’s final design that incorporates the details and aesthetics of your UX designs.

Design System and Style

Our developers have created a design system that improves web development and user experience. This way, it allows clients to ensure consistency and save time when implementing new features.

How Did We Help L U • C I E E?

Our developers understood the importance of addressing the issues faced by l u • c i e e. One of the main issues l u • c i e e was facing was slow page load speed. The high bounce rate and deteriorating user experience negatively affected their search engine rankings and sales. To address this, we implemented many improvements to enhance their online store’s page load speed and overall performance.

To begin with, we upgraded their store from the Debut theme to the Dawn theme. This Shopify 2.0 upgrade provided l u • c i e e with more control over the operations of their site. They could now add sections anywhere on the site, not just the homepage, thanks to the improved metafield functionality.

Additionally, we focused on optimizing the core web vitals of the site. Core web vitals are web performance metrics that assess how fast a site loads, how much it shifts around, and how quickly it responds to user interactions. These metrics, including the LCP and FID, are critical factors Google considers for search rankings.

In addition, we worked on improving the LCP metric, which measures how long it takes to see the largest content on a webpage. Additionally, factors like JavaScript and CSS that block rendering, load times of elements like images, and slow server response times can affect LCP. All in all, by optimizing these elements, we significantly improved the website’s performance and maintained its SEO rankings.

By addressing the core web vitals, focusing on page load speed, and migrating the store to Shopify 2.0, we provided l u • c i e e with a better customer experience. Their site visitors now have faster load times, reduced layout shifts, and improved responsiveness, leading to increased engagement and conversions.


Well, Nivara played a pivotal role in empowering l u • c i e e, a women-led sustainable fashion brand, by successfully migrating their store to Shopify 2.0. This transition from the Debut to the advanced Dawn theme significantly improved the website’s performance and user experience. However, it offers faster load times and greater flexibility in designing pages and showcasing products.

Additionally, this upgrade also enhanced meta fields and configuration options, enabling them to optimize their site’s SEO and improve visibility in search engine results.

Overall, this collaboration allowed l u • c i e e to leverage the advanced features of Shopify 2.0, enhancing their online presence and customer shopping experience. All in all, Nivara’s expertise played a crucial role in overcoming its website challenges.

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